How to increase team performance using employee engagement strategies

Every business leader and manager wants to improve the performance of their teams in one way or another, be that achieving higher customer satisfaction scores, improving safety metrics or simply making more sales and being more profitable.

In our blog article ‘employee engagement to increase productivity’ we talked about how the workplace culture and leadership can undermine employee engagement. Companies that don’t look after their people cannot expect much in return in terms of employee engagement and the subsequent benefits of increased performance and productivity.

So how can you make some improvements to the culture and leadership in your organisation and start to get the benefits of employee engagement and better team performance? A good place to start is by taking a look at the way leaders, managers and supervisors communicate with their people and teams. Open and honest communication creates trust and is a fundamental building block of employee engagement.

Team engagement

Job design

The most engaging jobs are those that have an amount of autonomy built in. People need to have some influence over how they do their work if they are to feel properly engaged. We recognise that there will be degrees of this autonomy and it may not always possible but you need to look for something about the work that can be given over to the team to control.

Company values

The company values are its mission, purpose, reason for being and what it stands for. People are most engaged when they feel they are part of something good and they believe in the company values. You can review your company values by asking yourself: Why does this company exist? What is most prized about the way the company operates? And then you need to consider: What message does this send to the people who work here?


Building wellbeing into the company culture has a huge effect on employee engagement and team performance. Protecting and promoting the physical and mental health of your people benefits everyone. People need to feel they are supported by the company and looking after wellbeing is key to this. Take a look at our blog article ‘wellbeing indicators’ for more information on where to start.

Team engagement

Improving team performance using employee engagement strategies – together with Cafe Therapy

The factors described above are some of the fundamental drivers that will shape the behaviours and interactions of people in your company and will lead to better team engagement, performance and productivity.

Making some improvements in your organisation doesn’t need to be expensive or to take up too much time and you don’t have to do everything all at once. Even if you just improve a few areas by say 20 or 30 percent, you are likely to be doing more than your competitors and you will therefore gain an advantage from your efforts.

Cafe Therapy can help you improve your team engagement by partnering with your company to deliver enlightening and effective training and workshops, as well as helping you access, evaluate and act upon feedback from your people. Our thoughtfully designed presentations and activities bring people together and foster a spirit of community and co-operation and bring real results for your company. Drop us an email and start a conversation with Cafe Therapy.