Learning how to be more resilient is a skill that benefits everyone in your company equally. But what exactly is resilience and how can you harness it to work for you? Resilience is about being adaptable. It’s about being able to embrace change, being flexible and being creative when you solve problems. It’s about bouncing back from adverse experiences. It’s about possessing that inner drive that carries you forward when faced with a difficult situation. And it’s about having fun.

We can all remember a time when we didn’t have the determination or self-confidence to overcome a major challenge, whether it was something that happened at work or an event in our personal lives. And if a number of these events come along in quick succession, then we can feel overwhelmed and tackling the problems can seem to be too much.

However, if you have developed the practical skills and ways of looking at problems that are the building blocks of resilience, then you are better able to cope, address challenges effectively and move forward. Keeping control of your perspective on a challenging situation helps you to process the important details and make better decisions that lead to better outcomes. Learning how to be more resilient by developing a flexible thinking style can even improve your wellbeing.

How to be more resilient

When do you need resilience?

Working under stress, especially for long periods of time, can wear you down. Resilient people manage stressful situations and their own levels of stress more easily. They also perform better, are more flexible in their outlook and move on faster, putting difficulties behind them. Change in the workplace is often cited as one of the fundamental factors behind stress at work. Resilience helps people adapt to and even embrace change, quickly identifying advantages. The word resilience comes from the Latin verb ‘resilire’, meaning to recoil, or leap back, and therefore the very essence of resilience is an ability to bounce back.

Coping with challenging situations at home also draws on our resilience. We have all had to deal with difficult life events. The death of a close family member, the breakup of a relationship, and even joyous events like the birth of a baby or moving into a new home all come with their stresses and strains. And problems at home can affect how you perform at work. Resilient people have coping mechanisms to help them navigate uncertainty, handle adversity and rebuild their lives if needed.

So how do you become more resilient?

What do you need to do to get the inner strength so you can easily overcome obstacles and quickly move on? Here are five steps that will get you started on the way to learning how to be a more resilient version of you:

1. Be adaptable – change brings opportunity. Embrace change because there will always be advantages.

2. Have fun – enjoy what you do. Feeling positive about your purpose in life supports your morale.

3. Take control – be the master of your own destiny. A sense of self-efficacy and control helps you cope.

4. Nurture relationships – for support and growth. Sharing ideas and tackling obstacles together brings you closer to people in your team.

5. Learn new skills – expand your horizons. Because by staying curious you keep the fire burning.

How to be more resilient

Learning how to be more resilient – together with Cafe Therapy

You want to help your people be more resilient, adapt to change more easily, recover from adversity faster and consistently work at their top level. That’s where we come in – and right into your office – where we can deliver practical, fun, engaging workshop sessions to you and your team.

You will get the practical strategies, knowhow and tools to build resilience for better performance, and beautifully presented takeaways to remind you of the fundamentals and how to apply them for yourself, time and again, whenever you want. Click here to contact us: https://cafetherapy.co.uk/contact-us/