Some easy ways to improve performance and productivity

In this article we want to share some practical ways to improve performance and productivity that are inexpensive and easy to implement. Your people, your most valuable resource, will drive improvements themselves if they’re being treated properly, so the key question is: ‘How can your managers motivate their employees?’

In our previous blog articles on employee engagement and team engagement we talked about how people with responsibility for others in your organisation – your leaders, managers and supervisors – set the tone of the work group and how this impacts on performance and productivity on the ground.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at best practice for leadership skills and find out how managers can motivate their employees so they feel properly cared for and reciprocate with better engagement, performance and productivity. And let’s also consider how you can get started with this.

How can managers motivate their employees?

Getting the basics right

In a nutshell, it’s about how your leaders, managers and supervisors behave and communicate. This is what your employees see, hear and feel on a daily basis. It is through these channels that people learn the accepted way of doing things and crucially, how to treat others and motivate them.

So, what is best practice?

Decades of research into leadership and motivation point to some core principles that result in better outcomes for people and the business. Your leaders, managers and supervisors need the skills to be able to take care of the following points effectively:

  • Balance concern for the task with concern for the people – this is a fundamental skill

  • Be positive, enthusiastic and inspirational – to motivate and provide meaning

  • Encourage creativity and innovation – reframe problems and seek a range of views

  • Coaching and mentoring – listen to and encourage every individual

How to get started

Making some improvements in your organisation doesn’t need to be expensive or to take up too much time. Your leaders, managers and supervisors just need to develop the soft skills we’ve talked about above, so they can model the right behaviours and communicate effectively with their people. This shouldn’t be too onerous. Building soft skills into your management training gives those in charge of others the core knowledge and practical experience to more effectively manage and motivate them. And that’s where we can help.

How can managers motivate their employees

Helping managers motivate their employees – together with Cafe Therapy

Simply by scheduling some straightforward soft skills training you are likely to be doing more than your competitors. Companies that invest in this type of training demonstrate their commitment to looking after their people and can expect better returns by means of better employee engagement and the subsequent benefits of increased performance and productivity.

Cafe Therapy can help you improve soft skills in your workplace by partnering with your company to deliver enlightening and effective training and workshops, as well as helping you access, evaluate and act upon feedback from your people. Our thoughtfully designed presentations and activities bring people together and foster a spirit of community and co-operation and bring real results for your company. Drop us an email and start a conversation with Cafe Therapy. Find us on Facebook and Twitter.