The link between employee engagement and business results is clear to see. Data from market research organisations like Gallup and Best Companies show that employee engagement is correlated to stock market performance, and the truth is, this link has been clear to see for the past 20 years.

So why are so many companies still not taking advantage of employee engagement to increase productivity? That is the real question. Engaged employees provide better customer service and take less time off sick so why are so many organisations still doing nothing to engage their people?

The problem is that in many companies the workplace culture does not support employee engagement. These companies do not treat their people well enough to get them to care about the business, the customers, or to be a productive as they could be. That is the crux of the issue.

Employee engagement

So how do you do it?

How do you harness employee engagement to increase productivity? You need a certain amount of understanding of what drives employee engagement and organisational culture and leadership are the main drivers. It is how people are treated at work that counts and this is directly linked to the organisational culture and leadership.

Organisational culture

Often described as ‘the way we do things around here’, organisational culture is the set of values, practices and norms that are to some degree unique to each company. The organisational culture has a significant influence on the attitudes and behaviours of the people working there – how they think and act and crucially, how they treat each other. It is in this way that organisational culture impacts on employee engagement.


Leadership can be thought of in terms of skills, experience and style. A manager might be well trained, have significant experience and use a participative style or they may have a different blend of these attributes. It is easy to see therefore that the leadership qualities of executives, managers and supervisors in any business have a significant influence on the core issue for employee engagement – how people are treated.

Employee engagement

Improving employee engagement – together with Cafe Therapy

So the key message is, look at the culture and leadership in your organisation. Think about some training for your supervisors, managers and leaders. Look into some initiatives to shift the workplace culture in the direction you want it heading in. By doing this you will impact on employee engagement to increase productivity. Cafe therapy can help you achieve your employee engagement goals by partnering with your company to deliver training and workshops, as well as helping you access, evaluate and act upon feedback from your people.  Contact us for further information: