Going from reacting to responding

Practising mindfulness is widely recognised to have a positive effect on our health and wellbeing. This simple truth is supported by the documented experiences of countless generations of people from cultures across the globe.

The latest research goes further and demonstrates a link between mindfulness and reduced levels of stress, anxiety and depression, a greater ability to focus under pressure, increased creativity and better relationships. This is important because these factors are key to thriving in the modern workplace.

In our recent blog article on developing a resilient mindset we talked about mindfulness helping you to keep your brain ‘integrated’, a state in which you become more flexible and adaptable, and crucially, reap the benefits of integrated thinking and responding, rather than just reacting and losing control.

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Strategies for mindfulness at work

Start the day mindfully

Take a few moments at the beginning of each day to centre yourself. Use a brief deep breathing exercise to bring your thoughts to the present moment and set your attention to work mindfully. By doing this you create the intent to approach the challenges of the day in a positive way. Ask yourself ‘how does my body feel as I begin this day?’, ‘what thoughts am I giving attention to?’, and ‘how judgemental are they?’.


One of the most important things to note about mini-meditations is that you can practise them anywhere. You don’t need a special space, you can simply be at your desk or work station. All you need is a few spare minutes during a break. Again, use a deep breathing exercise to bring your thoughts to the present. Ask yourself ‘what feelings am I experiencing?’, ‘what thoughts are passing through my mind?’, ‘how are these affecting my work?’.

Practising mindful working

Doing everyday work tasks with mindful awareness is one of the best ways to integrate mindfulness into your working day. You could practise mindful typing, emailing, or any other routine task. The key point is to work with awareness. Allow your mindful awareness to spread into your work whatever it is. Mindfulness can also help you overcome difficulties at work. When faced with a challenge, learn to ask yourself ‘what would be a wise way of responding?’.

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Using mindfulness exercises at work – together with Cafe Therapy

Despite being both free and easy, mindfulness is almost a superpower. Not everyone will feel enthusiastic about trying mindfulness but the research stacks up and the benefits are well worth receiving. Some people might be inclined to think they’re too ‘busy’ to think about being mindful, but these are probably the very same people who would most benefit from cultivating the medium. Mindfulness is so useful when you find yourself becoming stressed or overwhelmed and want to ‘de-escalate’ your thoughts.

On the other side of the coin, practising mindfulness is just as effective when you’re having fun or doing something that you really love. This is because it allows you to really live in the moment, savour the enjoyment and become fully engaged with an experience or activity.

If you think that finding out more about mindfulness exercises at work would benefit you and your team, then Cafe Therapy can partner your company to deliver practical, fun training and workshops right in your workplace. Our thoughtfully designed presentations and activities bring people together and foster a spirit of community and co-operation while delivering enjoyable programmes that bring real results for your company. Drop us an email and start a conversation with Cafe Therapy.